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Sonia Osborne, Nutrition Consultant & Therapist


Hi! I'm Sonia


I help women manage hormonal changes and chronic/complex health conditions, reclaim wellness, and experience sustainable weight loss through a holistic and personalised approach to nutrition, movement, mindset, and lifestyle. 


Supporting women is my profession, pastime, passion and purpose. 


My approach is based on functional medicine protocols that treat the whole person.

Sonia Osborne, Nutritionist & Therapist for Wellness


I’m on a mission to change the trajectory of women’s health

I continue to see women pushing themselves to extremes and not coping (I’ve been there too!), and it breaks my heart. These frightening statistics tell us something needs to change.

Sonia Osborne Nutrition

Autoimmune diseases are growing exponentially and 75% are women

Sonia Osborne Nutrition

20% of women will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime, which is twice as likely as men

Sonia Osborne Nutrition

Alzheimer’s is growing rapidly and 2/3 of cases are women 

Sonia Osborne Nutrition

30% of women will have an osteoporotic fracture after 50

Sonia Osborne Nutrition

1 in 8 women will have breast cancer

Here’s What Makes Me Different

Women are undeniably capable of anything and everything, BUT our female biology is still the same as it was 200,000 years ago. We are designed to have babies and be caregivers, which demands a lot of nutrients and makes our nervous systems much more sensitive to stress. 


Therefore, we must "Live Gently" (not weakly) through focused nutrition, movement, lifestyle, and mindset shifts that honour our female biology. This is at the heart of all my work.

Sonia Osborne, Nutritionist & Therapist for Wellness
Sonia Osborne, Holistic Nutrition Practitioner

My qualifications and experience include

Sonia Osborne Nutrition

Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, Nature Care College, Australia

Sonia Osborne Nutrition

Menopause Doula, Advanced Training, Menopause School

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Stress Management Consultant, Life Skills Institute, Singapore

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Food and Nutrition Coach, Australian Food Coaching Institute

Sonia Osborne Nutrition

Weight Loss Coach and Personal Trainer, Donna Aston Academy, Australia

Sonia Osborne Nutrition

Nutrition Psychology Coach, Cadence Institute

Sonia Osborne Nutrition

Psychoneuroimmunology and Pain Management Coach, Neuro Orthopaedic Group Australasia

Sonia Osborne Nutrition

Nervous System Regulation Practitioner, Deb Dana LCSW Rhythm of Regulation

Sonia Osborne Nutrition

Modern Qi Gong Teacher Training, Nicole Lee Qi Gong

Sonia Osborne Nutrition

Executive Team Member, Monash University and The Alfred Hospital, Australian Centre for Obesity

"Sonia is a game changer and has changed my life. She cuts through all the clutter and just tells you what you need to do to lose weight and be well. Highly recommend!"

Nicolette, 52 years

In MyPractice, I Believe in...

"A combination of menopause and having my hip replaced meant that my weight had slipped into the overweight category. When I first consulted Sonia, she impressed me with her extensive knowledge and caring approach. Sonia set me up with an easy to follow meal plan and most of all, she gave me the positive motivation to achieve my goal. Three months later, I have lost 7 kilos (my goal was 6) and I feel energised. My skin has a fresh glow. Sonia’s professional approach was just what I needed."

Dr J.Horan, 54 years

Healthy Food

Ready to start feeling at home in your body again?

"Sonia is committed to providing inclusive, interactive and accessible coaching that makes a difference in the lives of all my clients. People from all walks of life are welcome, including people with disabilities, and from all ethnic groups, religions, cultures, gender identities and sexual orientations."

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